I'm TianYing. 21 MARCH, means loads of presents.

Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself.
I have created mine and they're awesome. ♥

Find me at: Facebook. Twitter. Email.


Monday blue.

Hello peoplexz! Just notice that it's pass 12am already. Met up with some of my poly peeps ytd at town area, had a great time with them. Bought this cute little blue monkey dust cap for my iphone, make one of my peeps to buy it with me because he say it's kind of girl thing that why he refuse to get one but in the end he bought it cause I force him to put on his iphone. Don't you find it very cute? I think I'm going to get one for my sister & boyfriend too. Met up with boyfriend and brother after that, love these awesome people of mine! Last but not least I hope my sister will recover asap! Just look at her hand, I feel so sad and heart pain for her. Just please recover asap alright. 



Follow me on Instagram: @tianying993

SUP! I'm having my holiday right now, enjoying/rotting like a boss. My house is filled with all those snacks, ice-cream, chocolate & etc. All the food I can eat when I'm watching my show! This is how I spent my holiday for this few day starting from last thursday. All I did was to eat, watch my show, eat, watch show, go out then sleep. Nua one my bed as if I have no back bone. Keep one nua nua nua nuaaaaaaaa on my bed/ at home and my boyfriend said that I'm a little pig. Finally I can take a break away from my assignment/project. I deserve a good rest~ I have no idea why I get so annoyed this few day. I get very sleepily, tired and angry easily. Whatever it's, shit happens but life goes on. I'll be fine in a few days, no worries peeps! 


Silent film

This is what "Silent Film" is called. It only contain actions and background music. Yup, there's no speech at all. Find it weird why you can't hear any background music? It's because I'm so lazy to put background music, sorry about it. Anyway that's me, Sarah & Ray(playing with iphone), we got bored in class as we got nothing not much things to do. So that's a very random video. Currently doing touch up for my sp (studio project) in class. Gonna have my school holiday in 2 more days! I can't wait for my holiday, provided if they don't give any assignment at all. Alright, I shall go back and do my sp now.


Time is running.

Follow me on Instagram @tianying993

Hello! Currently busy with my sp (studio project). Doing tons of research, mind-map and etc. They changed the deadline 1 week earlier that means this friday I have to hand in everything including the final presentation. Have been sleeping around 2 am - 3am plus in the morning, just to rush my work. Being a night owl and a zombie in the morning is the worst thing ever. Because I can't get enough sleep, I'll be late for school and I can just fall asleep in class. I'm so tired. I can't wait for my holidays! It's time for me to take a rest need a break from my sp, off to watch my drama!


Life in school.

Follow me on Instagram @tianying993

No lesson till end of this month as we are having our studio project, only some workshop on some adobe program. This year, my course lecturer decided to let us have solo project for our studio project instead of having group work. Which mean will be tougher and we have to manage to struggle through for this whole 3 weeks! Everyone will have a small group and 1 mentor to guide us. Every single one of us must have different concept, our concept cannot crash into each other or else it'll be rejected. Yeah , I have mine already but I still have a few mind-map, research and etc to do. So much stuff to do and I have stop reading my MGBD history book, I got no time to read them. Alright, I shall go and have some rest and shall continue/start my mind-map and etc. I guess I'll be a night owl tonight?